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I haven't been able to play much. I don't have as much time as I used to.

Now I feel like I am forcing myself to play this game, which is something I hate. Now I thinking I maybe won't finish it. Lots of people posting in the thread have not finished the game for some reason.

I understand now why this game is so wordshiped. For the time, it was an amazing breakthrough. But I don't think is posible to reach a concensus about "the best game ever". It is too subjective. And the industry review system is broken. It doesn't work for me. Nostalgia is playing a damaging role in it and it shouldn't be that way. New games should be reviewed for what they are and not compared with other older games. I know is esier said that done, but it has happened to me too many times that an older game considered better than the sequel it turned out to be a dissapointment for me. For example, I played Final Fantasy VIII and found it great, but everyone said the VII was the better game. Well, not for me. I am not saying this is the case of Zelda OoT, yet, but it just may be.

This game would have been a great game to have back then when I was in school with lots of time at my disposal. But now I am a different kind of gamer, maybe more casual, I don't know. In fact, when I first tried to play it without a guide I got lost and bored right away. It is funny to realize thar in terms of gaming, it seems that the older I get, the less patience I have.

I am not giving up just yet. I am just saying that it is hard for me to find the time to sit down and play for a couple of straight hours, and sometimes, I feel like I am losing the addiction.

Thanks everyone for posting and sharing your enthusiasm. (That is actually the real reason why I keep going, because I am finding the game not as awesome as Zelda TP)

See you guys next update