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hsrob said:

"Yes, it's a fake. Hopefully we all know that now.

Why did I do it? Take it as a valuable lesson.

It took hours before somebody caught on; most people just looked at the score and moved on. People only really took notice after somebody else mentioned that there were errors (which, by the way, were intentional...I'll get to that later).

So what's my point? I'm stressing the importance of the review itself, rather than the score. Editors write the review for a reason: You're meant to read it.

People put way too much emphasis on scores these days. Most just ignore the content within the review altogether (Proof? Just look at how many people fell for it).

Many cried "flop confirmed!" or "fail!" without even reading the review, as if ONE REVIEW is the be-all and end-all of how a game will turn out.

If you actually took the time to read and analyze the review, you would see that there were mistakes all over the place. Pictures that were months old, spelling and grammatical errors, incorrect information. I even put a hidden message somewhere in there (which I believe is yet to be discovered). Anyone who actually took the time to READ the review could easily catch them.

So if you embarrassed yourself earlier by falling for it, hopefully you will learn something from this. And if you didn't get a chance to read the review, but you know that you often find yourself only looking at the scores, maybe it's time you take a step back and realize that there's more to a review than the number next to it.

Apparently, this "review" spread across the internet like wildfire. I don't have accounts at any other websites, so if anybody wants to copy-paste this somewhere else, please feel free.

And remember, games are meant to be played. Let's just enjoy them.

Have a great day!
" (gamespot user: greyfox02)

So far I think I'm the only person in this thread besides hsrob who has read this.

It would be nice if the people posting after this post would take the time to read it as well.