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mjc2021 said:
griffinA said:
I hate it when people declare that if The Conduit sells poorly the wii won't see anymore third-party games. The wii will see third-party games regardless of The Conduits success or not.

1. Third-parties will not ignore a userbase of that size

2. Japanese third-parties will always want to develop for wii as it has Dragon Quest X coming which essentially gurantees that the wii will win there.

3. There are plenty of third-party efforts already. The Wii's upcoming lineup is awesome and it's just about exclusively third-party.


Obviously 3rd party companies will not ignore the Wii especially considering userbase. Unfortunately, the large userbase doesn't exactly give better software sales. The HD console have smaller userbases but still manage to typically get better software sales.

Already proven wrong. This only works when you selectivly take the top X amount of third party games and then compare. This however is inaccurate towards TOTAL third party sales. As for the top X listed games. There is a complete disparity in the effort put into the games favoring HD consoles. Seriouslly I like No More Heroes and Mad World, but let's be honest they nowhere near had any amount of the same effort as DMC, MGS4, GTA4, RE5.... let's actually see the same game franchise played the same way with the same polish released at the same time on it before Wii is listed as the core gamer fail machine.


Cause no offense to the game, but playing a big doesn't do it for me in play style. Maybe I would like it if I played it, but I haven't yet and playing a bug isn't attracting me to try.


I do have a cavet though. FPS games have never been so much about the gameplay. To developers it's more about the technical achievment. So even if this game is a marvel FPS fans have already chosen wich system to play the FPS games on. This decision was made well before the Wiiremote was even announced. No amount of intuitive interface will massive sell this game on the Wii.


Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.