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City17 said:
NanakiXI said:
City17 said:
TheThunder said:
Staude said:
Jo21 said:
staude you sucked though

more deads and kills = fail xD


lol I was doing teamwork. That's what i focused on in the match. A lot of which didn't give me any points unfortunately :p

It doesn't matter though as long as it helps the team get the victory.


I like your mentality in KZ2. I wish more idiots on the MP would have the same Idea

almost every body thinks it's a Team deathmatch game on COD4 so they get obsessed with their K/D Ratio, you know that if you have more kills than deaths will not help you in a S&D or CTF Sigh ...

K/d ratio nursing is a bunch of bullshit for sissy's who hide and pick off people while the REAL soldiers go out and get the job done!  There are actually a few out there who play the game as a team.  Sometimes the nurses actually help by providing covering fire, but alot of the time they are just in the sidelines worrying about getting killed...




Some people will just never understand this concept. I rather have people doing their job within their class than a bunch of fools running around tossing greanades and firing RPGs at random. Leave that stuff in Halo.

1 Game played Nakani?  Looks like you've got some catching up to do...You should give it a try it is an awesome game...




lol I know. I'm my profile I only plaued once. On my friends profile I actually played more than he has. I think I've played about 120ish rounds total. It's not much but I still want to buy the game and was waiting for some bug fizes that were needed.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."