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Hisiru said:
thetonestarr said:

Drain on your wallet? Nonsense! Buy an R4 ($15-$20 if you look in the right places), a 2GB microSD card ($10), and download ROMS to pirate the games!


No, I kid. Although that IS a great way to preview games to see if you want to buy them... if you have the self-control to still buy them if you enjoy them. And it makes it easier for me to NOT have to worry about misplacing my cartridges (like the copy of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass my in-laws bought me for Christmas '07 and I promptly lost =| Thanks to my R4, I still got to play it ^_^).

I do NOT recommend using it to avoid buying games, and I despise those that use it for that. Every game I've "pirated" on mine, I've either bought or begun work on buying (Meteos, here's looking at YOU).

don't recommend flashcards, please, don't help the piracy.... if you use a flashcard, keep it for yourself


See, that's the problem. Hundreds of thousands of the flashcard users AREN'T pirates and DON'T use it for piracy, and it offends us when people automatically assume that's the only use for it.

Don't be so closed-minded and assume that's the only use of a flashcard. There are tons of reasons to have a flashcard, and piracy is only one of them.
