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Hawk said:
DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem said:
I have to the CONCUSION of thinking that this is getting RIDICULOUS

I don't beleive sum people are considering BC more important then BLU-RAY

n the Ps3 games

I DID NOT say I don't play PS2 games just cus of the bad grfx

but what gameplay on Ps2 is there now, where the Ps3 doesn't have a game like that

FPS - Resistance

Racing - Motorstorm/dirt

RPG - Oblivion

now if your some1 who keeps playing FFX over n over again on your Ps2, it's not SONY's problem

LET GO of the ps2 now

Thank you so much for that comment, everything I have been saying is summed up by that comment.


You guys are part of the 'because graphics told me too' crowd, arn't you. Personally I think that if getting rid of BC is what allows them to make a lower price point, that's a good idea. It gives an option. An option for those that either already have a PS2 or don't care about those games that you two apparently think they need to 'let go of'. But to say BC doesn't matter at all is wrong. BC is part of the reason I decided to get a Xbox 360. Then I had access to 2 generations of xbox video games that I did not have before, I never had an original Xbox. And I bought 10 regular 'years old' xbox games right away. The lower priced non-BC PS3 is a good option to add. But don't believe that BC doesn't matter to consumers at all.
I agree with you its good with BC and 40GB is a good option if you dont want to play ps2 on your ps3. People are forgetting that they are reducing the price of the starter pack too.