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TheSteve said:
uber said:
TheSteve said:
Mendicate Bias said:

I'm pretty much done with the argument at this point because I can see that Uber is not going to listen to anyone elses arguments but to say one final thing. You say immersion is not subjective but is directly proportional to the amount of realism in the game? Well the dictionary disagrees with you.


state of being deeply engaged or involved; absorption.

If you still do not understand why your argument is flawed then nothing anyone says to you will change your mind because you clearly have your eyes and ears closed.
Also you are absolutely crazy if you think COD4 launched with more hype than Killzone 2. K2 had a massive worldwide add campaign behind it.
Your final flawed point is that gamers do not like Killzone 2 because it is different. When Halo:CE came out it completely changed the formula of fps shooters by adding rechargeable sheilds, revolutionary controls and a multitude of other factors yet the game did phenomonaly on a massively limited user base. If you think Killzone 2 changed the fps genre more than Halo then you are ignoring history.

I think your problem is that you are an elitist that thinks that everyone else is stupid and since Halo is popular then it must be a stupid game. The fact that Halo 3 is consistently the most played game on xbox live if not the world shows that Halo 3 has brought something to the table that no other fps has, bringing people back to play each and every week. Toyota is the most successful car company in America, is it because everyone is stupid and buys the same brand or is it because Toyota makes the most reliable, efficient cars on the market?

oh and I don't know about you but I can sure as hell jump and shoot a gun at the same time.

Especially when you are a genetically engineered hulk in powered armor.

Additionally: Nothing to me is more immersive than flying to another planet, storming a beach in a flying bathtub, getting shot down by lasers, and then shooting alien nazis in gas masks that help them breathe their own atmosphere with projectile weapons dozens of times before they will die.



that's some pretty impressive calf muscles.



and i don't get what the deal with the landers was.  when i saw those things i thought, "now there is a logistical nightmare."  i get that the big ships couldn't land, but little platforms with handrails?  really?


They seemed kind of out of place in the "feel" of KZ, too...  I think they were going for a "Normandy Invasion" feel with the open top landers, but it ws sort of like "that.....  does not look safe."

And yes; Master Chief is on some kind of kangroo steroids.


i think that's exactly what they were going for.  how it managed to go from roundtable idea to actually in the game is beyond me.  from the altitude they dropped, how did they deal with the oxygen dep, or turbulence?



kangaroo cross-breeding?  ah that answers it!


i understand your reservations about the game, but the story in no way determines the level of simulation that the game tries to bring.  realism is not how possible or plausible a story is.  it's in the way it is told.  you know this.  you were just pissing on a brush fire. *wags finger*


art is the excrement of culture