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Great way to take a comment out of context you get a silver star. I do not think I said that the source was wrong, or that the information was wrong. I said that the person who was a poster on another forum might be hoaxer, and that could explain their comments. Which should be obvious to anyone that read my post. The fact that there are hoaxers out there should serve as ample incentive to not reward them by doing their work for them. Those are words of wisdom nothing more. They are also common sense when it comes to the internet.

@Sony Boosters.

This is bad news for the Playstation brand. Backwards compatibility has always been one of their greatest sales features. They instantly went from a library of thousands of titles. To a library with less then a hundred. How can that be a good thing it takes away choices from consumers. Further more it hurts developers that lose long term sales off bargain titles. Finally they have generated less incentive for current loyalists to move up.

I am not entirely shocked that Sony did that. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, and part of me wanted to see them do something smart for a change. Unfortunately it seems they are more intent on selling a format rather then maintaining a consistent high quality experience.

Really shocked that some of you are not offended by this, and more importantly disheartened to see that many think this is a good idea. I am even more disturbed by the fact that your defending the logic Sony is using. Being gamers you should know better, and more importantly cherish your old games much more then you obviously do.

I have personally seen Sony pull similar stunts to this in the past. I would have thought they had learned by now. Obviously they have not learned anything about loyalty to your dedicated customers. This is actually fantastic news for Microsoft and Nintendo. Their libraries are now huge in comparison, and Sony has broken its covenant with gamers.

I can't wait for the first week of sales. I will make a prediction that the surge in sales will be no more then twenty five percent. This new unit will rot on shelves, and the sales of the other two consoles will do much better over the long run. Sony just abandoned its previous generations customer base.