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@Happy Squrriel, sorry I missed your post but I entirely agree with you, like Frank. Most of all the last part. I feel like the PS3 therefore is losing more the image of a "game console". Now of course a starterspack is a wonderful thing like for Yojimbo, but why removing BC?! BC is a part of "gaming" and like I said before, even for people who have "never" had a PS2... when you find 2 PS2 games of which you think you'll need to play it, you can't. PS2 games are still selling well and ARE STILL BEING RELEASED.

Therefore you kind of stab yourself by removing BC IMO. People who just have enough money to buy the 40GB version, don't feel like buying a PS2 as well for only 2 or 3 PS2 games.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

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