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What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)