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I've got your back, Night Knight. I know what you're talking about.

 Kwaad has had a history of sniping at Nintendo projects, or at least talking condescendingly about Nintendo and its fans.  He'll talk about how something is good, and then will subtly jab at nintendo. 

It got so bad, that it finally lead up to the infamous Kwaad "experiment" where he made up a story about why he wanted to sell his Wii because it sucked or whatever.

However, Kwaad has reformed since then and has been adding to the intelligence of the forum. The flame baiting and all that stuff was in the past, and there's no need to bring up the past.

 He's pro-sony and that's fine. Let's not crucify him for not liking Nintendo as much.  I'm sure had anyone *not* named Kwaad started this thread, it wouldn't have stirred up much controversy.

 Kwaad, I got your back too. As long as you are civil and intelligent, then you should be entitled to your opinion, no matter what it is!