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Champions again, no surprise there. It takes a team of winners and players who are willing to do anything for their club which is what Utd are. Fuck Liverpool, they can burn in hell for all I care. Dumb fucks never shower and make excuses about how they couldve doen this couldve done that Bullshit. At the end of they day the team who comes in first wins the title which is what Liverpool havnt dont in 20 YEARS.

You might have beat us twice this season but to be champs you actually have to beat Hull West Ham, Stoke, Villa, Everton, etc at home. Enjoy your PFA player of the year because thats all you will ever win. Tevez will NEVER go to Liverpool, SAF is not a fool. Next year will be the same thing all over again scousers. Chelsea will have a stronger team and they not you will challenge us for the title. Btw I dont support United because they win a a lot, Ive been supporting them since I was 5. I was there when they couldnt win a league title for 3 years and they got wrecked in CL over and over but I still believed in them and wE GET 3 LEAGUE TITLES 1 CL and 1 soon to come in 3 seasons. BEAT THAT.