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Rubang B said:
I came here from Joystiq because I can say something nice about Nintendo without being called a fanboy and a troll and an asshole and a fag (why all the fag?). I love Nintendo. I'm madly obsessed with Nintendo. I have the underwear, the wallet, the keychain, the Goomba costume, you name it. Some might call me a "fanboy." But I don't bash non-Nintendo threads and I definitely don't expect all gamers to be like me. Somehow just obsessing over Nintendo as much as I do is an insult to half of Joystiq.

Anyway, I think that this gen has brought out the worst in fans of all 3 consoles, simply because for the first time there are some really crazy differences between all 3. Now it's no longer a "my games are better than yours" argument, but a "my console represents a better gaming philosophy than yours" argument, which gets everybody frothing at the mouth, especially in the "the casuals are coming the casuals are coming!" sense. Like I've said before, everybody starts as a casual gamer, and nobody was born with a joystick in their hand. Except for me. :)

Game on.

I think once you have underoos of your favorite video game company, that may put you in the fanboy column just on that alone.   I'm not saying that fanboys have to be annoying, mostly a strong love for their company is all it takes.   Nothing is wrong with that though, since I do happen to have Leisure Suit Larry boxers. 

 Good analysis of this generation and how the supporters are more at each other then in generations past.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.