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So I was out at Gamestop one day buying hardcore games like Madworld, and No more heroes. Then I was gonna buy Burnout paradise. When a random lady stopped me and said, "Isn't the wii great. They have games for people like me."

I was like "WTF, the games you play aren't game it all. It is a cheap scale/exercise equipment. OH and you will love Jillian fitness game."

In one day three random people told me about the wii.

A skinny little 12 year old girl wanted wii fit. This was a couple months back so it was still sold out. I laughed and told he good luck finding one it has ben sold out for a year.

I am sorry to hear that everyone around you is getting a wii. Just hold onto your PS3 for dear life and hope Sony gets a government bailout so they don't go under.

95% of gamers don't know they are noobs, the 5% who do won't be noobs for long

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