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@ Words Of Wisdom

Your opinion is an uneducated one if this is to be believed.

OK, "severely" was an exaggeration, but I owned both systems and there were simply far more Amiga games I bought.

Some Amiga 500 games hard to find an equivalent for on the Snes:

It Came From the Desert series:

Gobliiins series:

Simon the Sorcerer (CD version, the disc based version only does text):

Beneath a Steel Sky (again CD version):

The Settlers (PC version released 1 year later in 1994, the Amiga 500 version from 1993 is identical apart from the music, which is much better on the Amiga):

Ports of Amiga games to the Snes or Mega Drive like Lemmings (AFAIK only the Amiga original allowed the game to be played in multiplayer with two mice which IMO was the most fun element o the game), Worms, Desert Strike, Civilization, Populous 2, Mega-Lo-Mania, Pinball Fantasies, Cannon Fodder, Chaos Engine, Gods, Speedball 2, Another World, Syndicate, Robocod, Dungeon Master (ST version developed at the same time), were mostly released year(s) after the Amiga release and were most often better on much older Amiga hardware.

So that's probably what affected my opinion, apart from a few Nintendo exlcusives there wasn't much of interest to me, the lack of keyboard and mouse support in games, and large enough storage media limited its gameplay capabilities. Thus there were thousands more games released for the Amiga 500, despite the Snes being such a great success for Nintendo globally.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales