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disolitude said:
ItsaMii said:


 This post is hilarious. It nulls everything you said in this thread (and to some degree on your VGchartz history). You are trying to play the humble card, even though you are one of the most arrogant, uninformed and biased posters around here. First of all, Ninja Blade is shovelware. It is cheap, it is poorly programed and the gameplay sucks. Second, SH Homecoming is the worst SH ever (worse than the PSP version). I find hard to say it is better than unrealeased games like FF XIII or GT5. It may be better than Halo 3, but that is not saying much about SH.

My favorite part is when you say : "Unlike most Wii fans that posted here arguing with me with valid points, you managed to sound ignorant and pretentious at the same time". It is so delusional. Are you saying that Wii owners posting in this thread have good arguments? You have gone as fas as to call some people that enjoy the Wii more than the other 2 consoles blind. As for ignorant I think that would suit you better (GC lost money, Sega made more money than Nintendo in 93-94, Nintendo is/was not dominant).

"So nice try in trying to generalize people according to their taste in games".

I am not generalizing people according to their taste in games. You are not "people". I am saying, based on your awful choice of games, that you have a very poor taste in games. Nothing else. I am not judging you as a person based on your gaming habits. Most of my friends love awful games Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Need for Speed. What I am thrying to say is that for someone like you to act like a game sommelier is hypocrisy. It is like Michael Jackson going to a UNICEF event.

Also I have a hard time acepting that the one trying to teach me something about judging other people tastes is the same who said:

"Most new Wii owners bought the wii because of this new motion control scheme they tried and were very impressed with while playing the same old Mario Kart".

"You guys really think what Wii is offering is better than what you get with 360/ps3? Like as gamers, is wii the better console in your eyes"?

"This is very nicely written Happy...but please consider nintendo today without waggle. All this success wouldn't be here. Graphics, games has nothign to do with nintendo sales.
Many people have said this and nintendo fans may take offense but Wii is a gamecube 1.5 with waggle control scheme...
Why would thier games sell consoles now when the playing field is even higher, when they didn't 5 years ago...especially considering that very minor updates are given these new games other than the new control scheme.
This article is saying that nintendo success is atributed to their games which is as crazy as saying that Sony PS3 success is atributed to bluray... nooo, its why it isn't number 1 right now".

I see you can quote people, as well as consider that your opinion is the only opinion around... This time you actually have a few points arguing along site usual rubish comments like "Ninja Blade is shovelware". Tell that to this guy at gamepro who gave it 5/5 and a game of the month award. You call it "cheeply made"...kinda like Wii Fit and Wii Music? 5 bucks says you never even played it...and are a sheep quoting the rest of the flock.

Anywho...if nintendo games are the ones selling the wii in such great numbers and it has nothing to do with controls how do you explain the great success of the wii and failure of gamecube.

Only new relevant software around for wii that wasn't around back then is Wii sports, Wii fit... both of which are fun games and great advertisements for new controllers. Is malstorm talking about those games when hes saying that Nintendo games move hardware? Cause the other games nintendo released for the wii certanly didn't move hardware last gen.

Yes. People bouth the Wii for Wii Sports.

One of the Nintendo exects. said it, but the purpose of the Wii Remote was to breath new life into games. Notice, with Nintendo, that there is always a major focus on games. The only time Nintendo did not focus on the software was when the remote was shown at TGS 05, but the lauch trailer still showed people using the controller to play ambigious games.

Your claim is purposterous. Your saying "The Wii Remote sold the Wii." There is good reason why you would say that. The first is that you are niave and beleive the hardware is why people buy systems, which is wrong. The other, is the beleife that if the 360 or PS3 get a controller, they can beat the Wii.

If Nintendo release the Wii and the remote, but there was no good game to buy on it, would people have bought it. It didn't work for the 360 or PS3. For the NES, people had to have Super Mario bros. For the gameboy, people had to have  Tetris and later, Pokemon. For the Genesis, people had to have Sonic the Hedgehog. For the N64, people had to have Super Mario 64. For the DS, people had to have Brain Age and Nintendog. Despite it's weaker sales, the XBox was sold just for Halo 2. The PS1 probalby sold for Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto. The PS3's problem was it didn't have software people wanted. 

No one would want a Wii Remote for the sake of having one. Why would they. It would be useless. They wanted Wii Sports. The game was a hit. It was everywhere. Everyone loved playing with the remote (key word there). The system only carried it's sucess. Wii Fit was also a big hit and people had to have Wii Fit, so, concequently, they had to have a Wii.