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BladeOfGod said:
ameratsu said:
ItsaMii said:
Wait a minute ...

disolitude, the guy who recommended Ninja Blade, Silent Hill Homecoming, Alone in the Dark and lots of other shitty games, is trying to tell Wii owners that they have a poor taste?

That is worse than the time a fan of Family Guy said my tastes in comedy suck.

And for me the Wii has a better library than the PS3 and Xbox 360 combined. It is still subpar compared to the Snes or PS2, but it is much better than the manchildren (sports, shooter and other "mature" games) machines.


Manchildren machines? That about tops all the elitist Wii garbage I've heard in a while. Oh and a member here (frybread) has a blog that sounds like it would be right up your alley:


 What a retarded piece of shit blog. The only guy who is crying here is that idiot fryfat (nice name btw).

1.He says that Wii is only console worth of owning. Right there you can see what kind of idiot he is.

2. He's saying Killzone 2 is a flop but he doesnt say Halo Wars is flop even though Killzone 2 outsold Halo Wars.

3.Than he's bitching about how PS3 has weaker ports against 360. Most of those ports are from 2006 and 2007 and Eurogamer has ALWAYS BEEN pro 360 web site.And the difference are so small that you can only see them if you are fanboy. Most of good games look better on PS3 anyway ( COD4, Bioshock, GTAIVBe

4.Than he is attacking 360 and PS3 because of their great graphics. ( classic wii-fanboyish). He is acting like its hardcore gamers fault their systems are more powerful. If your system is the weakest on market dont attack others because of that!!!

5.Than he says how PS3 is unable to run many titles in HD (including big titles SFIV, RE5, GTA IV). Those titles WORK PERFECTLY ON BOTH HD CONSOLES!!!

6.Than he said PS3 is 600$ (something Sony haters always do even though they know whats the real price)

7.Than he says those ''10 reasons why PS3 is failing''  are valid even though they were disproved by many web sites on the web.

8.And than he says Party babyz is good game. He would obviously support any game as long as its on Wii and not made by Sony and Microsoft.


Seriously, one of the worst thing my eyes have ever saw

Some of those points were plan off. Let's begin....

  1. I will agree here, but in terms of hard numbers, he is correct. The Wii is selling better, has more titles, and will have a longer life. Still a fanboy
  2. No one harolded Halo Wars are the second coming of the 360. They did for KZ2 and the PS3. Halo 3, on the other hand, has beaten every other PS3 game.
  3. "Better" is so subjective that I'm not even going to try talking about it.
  4. I hit Ctrl+F and searched for the word "graphic" I was used only three times on the entire site. Everytime he did, though, he was parroting Malstrom saying how games are not about cinematics the two copnsoles are casualized PCs.
  5. I'll agree here
  6. OK, this is the worst part. He never said the word "six-hundred" on his blog. Not once. You shouldn't critizes someone if you are going to lie or use wrong information. Point six is pethetic.
  7. While, yes, some of these points were off, most of them were true. Yes, the system is too expensive. Yes, Sony is arrogent. Yes, the PS3 lacks a strong library (remember kids: software pushes hardware. The system wouldn't be in last place if it had a strong library of games people want). Yes, the killer-apps came too late (and were also weaker then those on the Wii and 360).
  8. I probably wouldn't play Party babies (at least he spelled it right, unlike yourself). However, he did play it, and he likes it. If you got mad at me for saying the PS3 doesn't have a good library and will post a list of games, then your a hypocrit.

Here is your problem guys. You are all looking at this backwards.

You say "He is a fanboy, he must be wrong." This is just ad homenin. In fact, if you read though the site, a good portion of his imformation is correct and he has correctly identified things PS3 fans keep denying. Now, I say "He is wrong becuase he is a fan boy." Not only did I not attack the messanger, but I was able to indetify a problem. By looking this way, I did not cloud my judgement (unlike the rest of you). In fact, becuase of this, I say he had some good points and some strong arguments. No one here tried to challange the arguments. They just called him an idiot.

Is he Malstrom? Hell no. Is he a fanboy? Yes. Is he wrong? No.