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Yup sounds like it works exactly like I thought. Which means its actually being re-rendered, which by itself is enough to give folks a (bad) reason to doubt them.

Like I said, I am familiar with the hardware and don't doubt what its capable of but the reason I said some of them were pre-rendered is the angles they were done at. While I was wrong that they were pre-rendered I was correct that they were not in-game. The theater mode is not in-game, but its being rendered almost certainly in either the exact same way or a very similar fashion.

My original point still stands in light of the way theater mode works, and that point was that having some shots with the HUD provides a basis for people to see undeniably what it looks like in-game while being played. That was the entire point of my original post and even though I may have not had all of the information you still way overreacted to it. Especially considering the point I was trying to make was in support of your point, and not opposed.

If I get something wrong I want someone to correct me, by all means please do. I am happy to learn something new, but I don't think I need to be talked down to and insulted just for not knowing about a feature in a game when my point wasn't really based on that to begin with.

To Each Man, Responsibility