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krik said:

Now, if we believe in the PS3 price drop rumor, this alone should be enough for the PS3 to outsell the 360 breaking apart those pretty similar sales curves. With the price drop and a few good games I strongly believe the PS3 will take 2nd place by the end of 2008 (WW).

The PS3 is roughly 6.6m units behind the 360 and the 360 is outselling it 2:1. By most estimates, MS also has wiggle room to drop the price without losing a lot of cash while Sony is selling off assets to support this $399 price point.

So, you're telling me that a system that has sold 4.8m in 11 months is going to sell ~14m in the next 14 months? Of course, this is excluding any kind of sales boost that MS might see from Mass Effect, Halo, Fable 2, Lost Odyssey, price drops, etc.

The people who say "PS3 will pass 360 in WW sales by 2009" either don't possess second grade math skills or logic completely escapes them. Actually, it's probably both.

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