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EaglesEye379 said:
Personally I dont see what difference these technicalities on first/second party makes. Both of these CORPORATIONS were essential in bringing these games into our hands exclusively to each console. And MS is still building up their internal game studios (they only just built an Xbox HQ), Sony has had a much longer history and had a monopoly last generation in this market, so by default they would own more IP and have more 'internal' studios. And no one can say MS is failing so far in this strategy to bring arguably the best and best-selling games on the 360.

And I keep on saying, if people would look at the development team roster of Gears of War and Mass Effect, a significant portion was financed by Microsoft. None of the above games would exist without MS or Sony respectively so thats what matters.


were essential in bringing these games into our hands exclusively to each console

Then why not include games like Boishock.

The point is to compare 1st/2nd party titles. Not every and any exclusive.