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ameratsu said:
shams said:

I develop for Nintendo platforms. The less piracy, the happier I am.

How do you figure this new DRM will translate into less piracy? Why do you also assume the only reason someone would want an R4 is piracy?

The DSi can get firemware updates, it will be much harder to have a sustained piracy solution against it.

The PSP and Wii are both able to get firmware updates and yet have been hacked for a long time. Wii Firmware 4.00a was just cracked to allow use of the HBC, and those with custom firmware on PSPs have no need to update. Firmware is great, but there is usually a workaround. Downgrading, custom firmware, removing FW updates from game discs, etc.

And all those people who bought R4's won't be able to use them on a DSi - woohoo :)

I'm sure they care. Oh no, they will have spend another $15 on a new flashcard if they ever actually want a DSi.


I hate the R4. Blind, unlimited piracy. Great way to destroy the industry :P

That's an absolutely rediculous statement. See Onyxmeth's reply above. You might have a valid argument here if Nintendo gave DS owners even half the functionality that the R4 enables.

We've had piracy discussions here on VGC so many times you think you'd of clued it at least a little bit. If all people do is play games on their flash cards, why do you ever think even through the most sophisticated anti-piracy efforts that you will somehow make them software consumers? They pay for the hardware because they know they can get the games for free.

All it is doing is forcing developers to adopt shitty business models and solutions. Gamers go whinging, without even considering they are the ones responsible for forcing these business models in the first place.

Please elaborate. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

my replies in bold


I underlined the part that I am responding to.


You/they buy the console so it's not wrong?


"Nah, nah, I bought the TV, I don't have to pay for cable."

"Nah man, it's alright, I bought the car, I just fill up the gas tank and leave... I don't have to pay for gasoline"

"You don't get it man, I own the DVD player, I don't have to buy DVDs, I steal them."

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.