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twesterm said:
Pyramid Head said:
jonnhytesta said:
"No co-op in story mode,"
and people complain about kz2. now what


i dont know anyone on earth waiting for the single player mode

im not sure i will even play it

cod should be online only, no one plays single player, and if they do they kind of are missing the point


::raises hand::

I play games for the single player only, in fact, I'm playing CoD4 for the single player only at the moment and don't even plan to look at the multipler.

Stop assuming every game needs co-op or do you think games weren't fun before 2000?


youre missing out on the best game experience ive had in years

multiplayer or not, their online mode is the shit end of story, and 8 million players cant be wrong

the sp is fun, but do yourself a favour and dont miss out

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

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