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famousringo said:
disolitude said:
famousringo said:
disolitude said:


I am laughing too because Wii hasn't had a AAA software release for almost a year and it still sells like hotcakes. Software must not matter that much...



That might make some kind of sense if the Wii wasn't still topping the software charts. But since it is, that just demonstrates that the software really is that good.


 What software? Mario KArt Wii, smash bros and Wii Fit are great yes...but anything else that came out in the last year that sold well? And 1 million in sales is great but really nothing that people should marvel at considering Wiis huge userbase...

All software, not just a couple cherry-picked titles. American software totals for '09 so far:

Software Totals:

30,182,143 172,345,613
27,252,703 185,590,745
19,148,970 169,297,160
10,853,375 66,079,463
5,403,992 70,798,538
4,553,386 177,156,282
26,708 10,581,826
Total 97,421,277  

Supposedly there were no titles worth owning released in this period, but the Wii still moves more software than 360 and PS3 combined on an install base which is smaller than 360 and PS3 combined. Like I said earlier, arguing sales is pointless.



While that does include Wii sports which would probably sell 1/3 of what it does if it wasn't bundled...its still rediculous.