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DA: Correct. There is a difference between core game and mature content. That to me is the biggest distinction for where we're headed with the Wii. Nintendo, not every one of their game games, I'm not talking about Wii Sports, that's really a mini-game compilation, those succeed on the Wii so let's push those aside. Mario, Zelda, those are games. Wario wasn't the huge success that maybe they hoped. Not everything Nintendo first-party puts out, like Wii Music wasn't a huge success. So just because the Nintendo first-party label's on it does not guarantee millions of units sold. A quality game that's appealing to that audience - so at its core, getting back to the Pixar quality - Mario and Zelda have that. They have that Disney feel to them, which is there's an art style that is not offensive to anyone. It may feel a little younger but it most definitely doesn't alienate anyone. Taking those same elements is where our art style is coming from. It's a little younger. It's not the for kids thing it was a year ago. The original Spyborgs was designed to be for the younger gamer. The latest version is designed to be appealing to all audiences. "


Couldn't said it better myself.  Its about hitting that market where its inviting to both the core and non core audience.  That is why Madden X for the Wii looks the way it does now.

I am not saying that there is no place for mature games but if they want to hit those Nintendo first party numbers, they know that they can't have cussing and violence and expect it to sell like Mario Kart. 

But when you have a remake of a game that was out two other times (RE 4) and it sells as well as it did but then you put out something like House of the Dead Overkill or Madworld and they have a very slow start, then you say to yourself, what does works?  Its a gamble...

I'm just saying...