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@ dahuman

1. $600 - 700 to play few games that interest me doesn't seem worth it.

2. The PC is not great for multiple players on the same machine. Most Wii multiplayer games do not interest me. The 360 offers great games with multiplayer so its the best choice for me.

3. Why no shooters and JRPGs? This is about what I enjoy not you.

4. Its annoying hearing people complain about console RTS games.

5. Why should I compile a list? You're going to mock it and say PC offers better games. I know whats available on the PC. My friends have gaming machines. Very little of it interest me.

6. The 360 controller doesn't work on every PC game or sometimes requires configuration. But I'm glad the PC now has a standard joystick.

This is a pointless discussion. Like most PC gamers you just keep telling me the PC is the ultimate. If the PC and 360 share a game you have to remind the PC is the best way to go. I know what the PC has to offer, I have friends who are PC gamers and I use their machines. For me the 360 is the best way to go.