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As we stand right now both 360 and PS3 share identical sale curves with Wii in clear advantage (according to vgchartz:

So, if you think the PS3 is dead then the 360 should have died 1 year ago :)

Now, if we believe in the PS3 price drop rumor, this alone should be enough for the PS3 to outsell the 360 breaking apart those pretty similar sales curves. With the price drop and a few good games I strongly believe the PS3 will take 2nd place by the end of 2008 (WW).

Now looking into 2009 and later... Wii is not "next gen" hardware, its a lot of fun but it will age faster than both the PS3 and the 360. So, how long do you think it can stay ahead? My guess is that in 6 months or so Wii sales curve will stall and it will eventually be passed by the PS3. Maybe it will stay ahead for the next 2 years but eventually the PS3 will win due to the 100+ million of PS2 owners waiting for a $200-$300 PS3.

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M