They do, but to a far smaller extent.
For instance (this is a bit spoilish, but not really).
One person leaves Tellius for good, going to Hatary (or well, across the desert or something).
Now, there are 2 characters who can go with him; assuming they have an A-support with him.
(This is the ending, not a chapter).
There's another where
One makes a packing company
The other one either becomes a duchess (or something) of a region (no support) or marries the first person and joins the package company (A support).
Then there's a fair bit of conversations you can only hear if they have an A-support. (In the "INFO" section).
When I write Fact: in one part of the post, and opinion: (or a similar word), it's not because I can then say "my opinion can't be wrong". It is to inform what part is pure facts, and which part I try to draw a conclusion in.