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shams said:

I hate the R4. Blind, unlimited piracy. Great way to destroy the industry :P

All it is doing is forcing developers to adopt shitty business models and solutions. Gamers go whinging, without even considering they are the ones responsible for forcing these business models in the first place.

Flash cards are an avenue for people making small scale projects that are too small in scope to get released to have an avenue to get them out in people's hands. I've already named two software gems, and there are far more. Video Games Hero could never have been made at retail because the price of licensing the 65 video game tracks and the 10 rock tracks would be daunting for a small developer. I understand a lot of bad has come from flash cards, but so has a lot of good. As an indy developer, I find it odd for you to have such a black and white stance against them when you are the type of person that could benefit greatly from it.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.