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Umm actually Kwaad, that link still shows PS2 outselling Xbox for the month....Halo 2 did sell quite a lot, but on 3.5+m games sold only 820,000 xbox's were sold. As for the argument that halo 3 will put a huge hardware surge for 360, that does not make sense. The type of gamers who would go out and buy a 360 for Halo3 already did that for Gears of War. As it is the same type of game and was a great game. I would expect similar sales to Halo 2. 3.5-4m in game sales and 800,000 or so hardware sales. In a November month, the Wii will probably sell 1.2m+ easy, when combined with a new genre on wii, Super Smash Bros: Brawl. No contest. As for the argument that there are still 10m+ people out there who were xbox owners wanting to buy a 360...please. The same could be said about Wii and to a much greater extent PS3. This holiday will prove to you all that Wii will be the dominant console this gen.