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FF7 2x (pal gh, pal original)
FF8 3x (ntsc original, pal original, pal gh)
FF9 2x (pal original, pal gh)

FF6 2x (pal, ntsc anthology)
FF5 2x (pal, ntsc anthology)
FF4 2x (pal antho, ntsc chronicles)

FF2 2x (pal ori)
FF1 2x (pal ori)

Vagrant story 2x (pal, ntsc ori)
Breath of fire 3 2x (pal, ntsc)
Breath of fire 4 2x (pal, ntsc)

Is what a quick look in my closet tells me, and makes me realise i really should put some on ebay...

Oh yeah, and Dirge of Cerberus twice... one Japanese version. I got screwed on ebay once.