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I have 2 copies of Tetris, 2 Game Boys, and a Game Link cable so I can rock 2 player Tetris 1989 style. I also have Tetris on NES, Tetris 2 on NES, and Tetris DS.

Super Mario Bros. on NES (multiple copies of just that version). I also have SMB Deluxe on Game Boy Color, and SMB on the Virtual Console. I also have the SMB/Duck Hunt 2 in 1 cartridge and the SMB/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet 3 in 1 cartridge. I also have Duck Hunt on its own and World Class Track Meet on its own.

Link's Awakening and Link's Awakening DX.

Doom on PC and on GBA.

Nintendo World Cup, Super Spike V'Ball, and the 2 in 1 cartridge with both of them.

Sesame Street 1-2-3, Sesame Street A-B-C, and the 2 in 1 cartridge with both of them.

Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and the 2 in 1 cartridge with both of them.

Kid Icarus, NES and VC.

Wave Race 64, N64 and VC.