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Am I alone in this?  I notice I've bought a few games twice.  The list includes:

-Tomb Raider Legend: PS2/360

-Tomb Raider Anniversary: PS2/360

-Bloodrayne 2:  PS2/Xbox

-True Crime LA: Gamecube(SEVERELY gimped version)/PS2

-Super Mario Bros. :Nes/Gameboy/Super Nes/Virtual Console

-Resident Evil 4: Gamecube/Wii/Xbox 360

Super Mario 64: N64/DS

-Super Mario Bros. 2: Nes/Gameboy Advance/Super Nes

-Super Mario Bros. 3: Nes/Gameboy Advance/Super Nes

-Super Mario World: Super Nes/Gameboy Advance/Virtual Console

-Tetris: Every console ever!

-Starfox 64: N64/Virtual Console

-Wave Race 64: N64/Virtual Console

-Legend of Zelda; OoT: Gamecube (free with pre-order)/Virtual Console/3DS

-WWF Warzone: N64/Playstation

-Metal Gear Solid 2/3:  PS2/PS2

-Street Fighter III; 3rd Strike: Dreamcast/PS2

-Crash Bandicoot 3: PS1/PSN


And (aside from Mario All Stars) this doesn't even include the updated remakes (Twin Snakes, Conker: Live and Reloaded).  Is there something wrong with me?  Why do I buy the exact same experience repeatedly?  More importantly, what are some games that were so good that you had to buy them twice?


*edit*  Since this thread, I've bought

-Tomb Raider Legend:  PSP (third time I bought this game!)

-Spyro the Dragon: PS1/PSN

-Streets of Rage 2: Genesis/XBLA

-Medal of Honor: PS1/PSN

-Street Fighter Alpha: PS1/PSN

-Marvel Vs. Capcom 2:  Dreamcast/XBLA


*edit*  Since this edit, I've bought

-Crash Bandicoot 1 (PS1/PSN)

-Crash Bandicoot 2 (PS1/PSN)

-Crash Team Racing (PS1/PSN)

-Peggle (Xbox Live Arcade/PSP)

-Super Mario All Stars (Super Nes/Wii)

-Splinter Cell (Gamecube/Xbox)

-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (PS1/Dreamcast)

-Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS1/Dreamcast)


*edit AGAIN! *7/5/2014*

-Batman: Arkham Origins (Wii U/ PS3)

-The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Wii U/Gamecube)

-Mighty Switch Force (Wii U -HD Edition/3DS)

-Mighty Switch Force 2 (Wii U/3DS)

-Tomb Raider (Xbox 360/PS4/PS3)

-Flower (PS3/PS4/Vita)

-Final Fantasy X (Vita/PS2)

-Final Fantasy X-2 (Vita/PS2)

-Resident Evil Revelations (3DS/Wii U)

-Halo (Xbox/Xbox 360)

-Starfox 64 (3DS--third time buying this game, too!)