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-Changing Nintendo's official mascot to the Mii and adding Miis to be incorporated for the DSi.

-New Super Mario Bros the lost levels added to DSi Ware.

-Added functunality for the Wii where DSi ware games can be played on your Wii at home also, and Wiiware games to the DSi (of courese from wii to DSi only a select few will work)

-Pikmin 3 released this year in NA, EU and JP.

-Monster Hunter 3 releases Aug.1 in JP, November in NA, and Dec but then pushed to FEB for PAL.

-Nintendo announces offering more help to third party developers and a marketing campaign for Nintendo games and third party games.

-Guitar Hero 5, announced with exclusive Nintendo liscense songs, but later relvealed to be downloadable an not included in the disc, also that the Wii version of the game launches one and a half weeks earlier than the HD versions in the NA market.

-Miyamoto will tell reporters that a new Zelda for the Wii is in the making and says it will be a revamping of the franchise and even more so than Wind Waker, trying to open the series to all players.

-Miyamoto reveals again a new Mario for Wii is in development keeping the fun element of SMG alive but changing the focus of Mario like Luigi's mansion type.

-Nintendo announces that the Wii will go down to $229.99 USD and likewise down in other markets.

"Like you know"