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uber said:
De85 said:



you mentioned that video games should be fun.  that's true.  the issue lies in the fact that i have been playing games for over 25 years, and my interest in video games has changed drastically...

killzone is that next step.  for the aforementioned reasons it allows me to lose myself that much more in its world.  that seems to be innovation to me.


I was reading your conversation (I'm also a gamer with more than 20 years of "experience")... and honeslty...I don't see any inovation in KillZone 2 than a couple of graphical special effects.

Now I don't think that FPS genre peaked with the Halo Series. IMO Halo 3 consolidated the genre to what it should be. But nobody pretends that it has given something new to the community...

The immense popularity of Halo comes from its multiplayer, not its graphics, nor the campaing or wathever... the vast majority of players never played the single campaign and yet the game will sell more than 10 millions.

IMO, Killzone 2 is an excellent game but...where is the innovation you are refering to ? What does it brings on the long run ? We don't know yet... but personaly I believe I was over-hyped about this game (and a bit disapointed..) ....

I believe that this kind of comparaison can only fall (again) into a fanboyish debate..where all of the facts will be drowned within a soup of foolish (and biased) theories.

I bought Halo 3 because everybody else was doing it -> I'm playing it because I'm enjoying the multiplayer content

I bought Killzone 2, also because everybody is doing it -> I'm playing it because I like the artwork and settings.


No need to ask an individual what he prefers, because his answer, based on his personnal preferneces, will always be based on irrational standards...




Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.