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SmokedHostage. Sit down, pick up New Play Control! Pikmin (1 or 2) and play the game through. If it gets SO frustrating that you get -5 enjoyment out of it, Pikmin sadly isn't for you :(. However, the story doesn't end here, if Pikmin didn't work out, try Pikmin 2, which is better in every single way, if even then the same thing happens, Pikmin is not for you.

I myself am not without fault. I to did not enjoy and greatly dislike a critically acclaimed (and annoyingly fan boyish) franchise. I was so excited to play Final Fantasy 7, everybody told me it was zomg1337h4x0rz, so i gave it a shot, hated it greatly. I didn't stop there, i kept an open mind and was enthusiastic, trying out other numbered entries... hated those as well. Then i tried out Crystal Chronicles, loved it a great deal :/.
Dunno why Crystal Chronicles >>>>>>> numbered FF titles for me (maybe if they weren't so gosh darned boring) but i guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. Don't lose hope Smokey, give it a little bit more time.

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