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@ LordTheNightKnight

Impressed is not the same thing as technically superior. You think using a fixed camera had nothing to do with the game having resources to achieve its high texturing and framerate?* Also, a lot of the cut scenes are done through FMVs, although they are well disguised.

I love the camera in the God of War games, I hope they won't change this approach with God of War 3.

Technically I am most impressed with the bosses, IMO they've really showed off how powerful the PS2 hardware was for its time. Technically as well as artistically these are the most impressive games I have seen on "last gen" hardware.

Plus the actual point, which you seem to have missed, was about theorectical maximum FLOPS, and simply used the PS2 vs the Xbox as an example. You used an irrelevant point, which did NOT disprove the actual point.

Like I said, the CPU and GPU performance are relevant, but like I stated in the original post:

"A great specced CPU and GPU would be useless if the system has to deal with slow memory and not enough bandwidth to move around the data quickly enough."

I haven't digged into the PS2 hardware specifications, so I wouldn't state with certainty which approach is more powerful. I only know the PS2 marginalized the XBox market share and the XBox hardware was more powerful for FPS games.

Frankly, I haven't seen you give ONE FACTUAL DSIPUTE of the gotfrag article. You claiming it's wrong or false is not a dispute.

Reread the thread.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales