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S.T.A.G.E. said:
It's not hard to define innovation. It's the introduction of something novel...that is all. KZ2 doesn't do that; it's alright man.

You need to read more dictionaries!  True innovation is definitely not novelty.

Anyway OT KZ2 isn't massively innovative IMHO (much as I like it).  Apart from the risk with player weight/movement and the peek FPS (which are certainly uncommon enough to feel innovative) the bulk of the game is a mix of established FPS standards given an extremely high polish.  I'd also cite the changing round structure in KZ2 as mildly innovative.

Halo 3 is in some ways similar, mostly playing it safe while polishing the whole experience to a very high level and focusing on getting it right.  Of course as number 3 in the most important franchise for MS it was never going to take risks as that could have backfired badly.  However the replay/forge elements for MP are innovative while the stats are a case of taking something that's been around for a while and pushing it as far as they could.

I personally see both as different and more or less equally good.  But they are both around 90% to 95% familiar standards polished until they shine (nothing wrong with that) with just enough new elements to give each a certain distinction.

BTW in my comments I'm only really thinking about FPS titles I've played on consoles.  With mods, full level editors, etc. I still see PC FPS as responsible for pretty much all the standards we see console FPS embracing.  However for the moment the big push for FPS currently seems to be console specific rather than PC, so hopefully we'll see less copy cat FPS titles trying to make money offering more of the same and some more risk taking - not that I'll be holding my breath on this.




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