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When I heard about the configuration I too thought would such a configuration be sensitive enough to ensure adequate control, and I came to the conclusion that it would be, because it incorporates both controls. In other words it would have dual input. Either reinforcing signals, and canceling out incorrect signals.

Honestly my initial thought would be to have the analog stick under the remote, but with it on top it gives two button access, and a analog stick for toggling functions which would be useful in both Starfox, and in Rogue Squadron. While in Pilotwings it would be excellent in the first person perspective allowing you to more your field of view while not having to change your coarse.

Then again the solution could be in the base if you assume it isn't just a glorified piece of plastic. All you would need is the components necessary to make your average analog stick work. Hell it would probably be cheaper to produce then the Nunchuk. Which retails for less then twenty dollars.

Hell I doubt many on these forums are even aware there is already a third party flight controller for the Wii. On sale for twenty five dollars. Here is the link.