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Mendicate Bias said:
uber said:

to put it simply, killzones innovation lies in its ability to immerse the player. it really improved on what was thought as total immersion. before killzone cod4 was the king of immersion.

killzone set the bar higher than it ever has been before in a couple of key ways.

1. the weighty controls and non-infinite range forces the player to be more cautious due to how much it reduces the twitch factor. other fps allow you to kill as long as there is a line of sight regardless of the weapon.
2. subtle tweaks to the way the player moves adds to immersion, aka, the jumping. before killzone one could accurately fire while jumping...*cough*halo*cough*.
3. the use of weather to create immersion. the weather in killzone is no longer just a backdrop, but rather it makes its presence felt as you play. last i checked no major release has done it like that.
4. the enemy AI is so advanced that it feels more like playing against real adversaries than bots working on routines. cod4 was great, but killzones AI blows it away.

those are just for the campaign. as for the mp,
1. the ability to customize classes for individual preferences
2. perks and unlockables that are awarded for feats for a single game. normally perks are just based on rank or cumulative stats.
3. massive clan support with online wagering for clan battles.
4. badges and rank for weekly top scorers.
5. comprehensive stat tracking and support on

these are just things off the top of my head. i'm sure others can list more.



So basically your saying that Killzone 2 has really good graphics because not a single thing you listed could be termed as innovation, but I'll go through the list one by one

1. This is just not true. Not only has the weighty factor been created although not to such an extreme extent in games such as Battlefield: Bad Company the second statement is just false. In every fps you must have the right weapon for the situation. Although some weapons are more robust than others, you could shoot at me all day with a smg from 300 feet and not hurt me while a few shots from the battle rifle from that range and you would be dead. Also how is this innovation?

2. Again you clearly do not know the shooting mechanics of fps games if you think it was possible to easily shoot while jumping. As long as the weapon is not hit scan the player is required to compensate for his own movement, the other players movement and the bullet spread of the weapon no matter what fps he plays, especially Halo 3. Also how is this innovative again?

3. This argument simply boils down to pretty graphics.

4. In the campaign that may be great however no bot will ever come close to human intelligence or skill in multiplayer, any experienced player can tell you that. And as far as AI goes the original Halo is cited as one of the games that revolutionized in game AI and their branching behaviors. Also great AI is fun but having 4 friends to blast through  a campaign with you as well as having good AI is better.

As for the rest of the points every thing you listed has been done before, even Halo 2 had the clan support. While it's great that Killzone 2 has all these features nothing you listed is innovative. Looking at your arguments your reasons for liking Killzone 2 are because you say its realistic. While thats fine keep in mind that Killzone 2 is far from being a truly immersive game (spawn grenades, etc...). For most people that play FPS games it's not the immersion they care about but the facilities the game provides you. Halo provides people the tools to play how they want, creating a more robust and diverse community and ultimately a stronger community. In this regard Halo will live long after Killzone is dead and forgotten.

Wow you are really good at debating.