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to put it simply, killzones innovation lies in its ability to immerse the player. it really improved on what was thought as total immersion. before killzone cod4 was the king of immersion.

killzone set the bar higher than it ever has been before in a couple of key ways.

1. the weighty controls and non-infinite range forces the player to be more cautious due to how much it reduces the twitch factor. other fps allow you to kill as long as there is a line of sight regardless of the weapon.
2. subtle tweaks to the way the player moves adds to immersion, aka, the jumping. before killzone one could accurately fire while jumping...*cough*halo*cough*.
3. the use of weather to create immersion. the weather in killzone is no longer just a backdrop, but rather it makes its presence felt as you play. last i checked no major release has done it like that.
4. the enemy AI is so advanced that it feels more like playing against real adversaries than bots working on routines. cod4 was great, but killzones AI blows it away.

those are just for the campaign. as for the mp,
1. the ability to customize classes for individual preferences
2. perks and unlockables that are awarded for feats for a single game. normally perks are just based on rank or cumulative stats.
3. massive clan support with online wagering for clan battles.
4. badges and rank for weekly top scorers.
5. comprehensive stat tracking and support on

these are just things off the top of my head. i'm sure others can list more.


art is the excrement of culture