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Torillian said:
go for it Mendicate, just for Halo 3 if you don't mind

Also, I try not to base the action I take off the person under scrutiny, so unless you can find something in the OP that suggests this question isn't innocent I have to disagree that it should be locked.



Here you go

-Saved Films
  Halo 3 was the first console fps game to record every game you played and allowed you to replay that game and view it from every angle

- Forge
  A functioning console fps map editor that allows players to play in the game while the editor is still making the map allowing for instant play-testing of maps as well as unique game types based around having monitors on the team. With the creation of foundry and sandbox forge has transformed into a truly formidable editor.

- Screenshots
 Taking screen shots in Halo 3 has become an art creating a whole subculture of Halo 3 players that spend hours in forge setting up the scenery for the perfect shot

- Campaign Skulls
 Hidden throughout Halo 3 are hidden skulls that when activated change the very physics and dynamics of the game. Turning these skulls on and enabling ffa scoring in 4 player co-op creates a completely new meta-game within the campaign its self as players attempt to get the highest score. (on a side note only 2 people have ever beat Halo 3 on Legendary with all skulls on)

-Integration with automatically uploads all your games to their database including the most minute of details. Also every screenshot taken is uploaded and soon with the next update to the website games saved in Halo 3 can be directly viewed form the PC

-Weekly Playlist updates
  Every week Bungie updates the available playlists even having specific holiday themed playlists. Having created the matchmaking system in Halo 2 Bungie has evolved matchmaking into an amazingly interactive system giving players incentives to come back for more with unique ideas like double xp weekend and prize based playlists for the best players.

- Massive and Robust custom game options
  This is the biggest asset of Halo 3 although arguably not a direct innovation. Bungie's foresight for including the ability to change even the most minuscule aspects of the games has created every game-type from zombies and rocket race to griffball.

If you would like you could make a list of innovations Killzone 2 made


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers