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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. said:
deadt0m said:
As much as I'd like to place my hopes in Nintendo, I think by this point I've learned not to expect anything from them whatsoever. That way, when their E3 is a bad joke, my hopes aren't dashed, and if hell freezes over and they don't embarrass themselves, I will be pleasantly surprised.

I'm a Nintendo fanboy in exile, so to speak. I want to gush over them and be super excited about their future, but they have done nothing whatsoever to earn it lately. The DS will continue to rule, the Wii will continue to get one good game a year from Nintendo because they are lazy bastards, and they will continue to make Nintendo fans look stupid at E3.


I lol @ your first paragraph mainly because you seem set that Nitnendo WILL do badly this E3.  I'm not saying it's guaranteed that they will do good, you just seem like another person wanting to bash Nintendo.


I however  will lose a lot of respect for Nintendo if it is a repeat of last year.


However I thank last year's E3 to show how immature and stupid some of these so called Nintendo fans (slash snobcore) are.  It's funny how they were pretty much blaming Dunaway and Reggie for what happened even though it was not their fault they just gave what Iwata and Miyamoto gave them.  Ino ther words, most of these so called fans were just shooting the messenger.

Actually I'm the opposite.  I want nothing less than to bash Nintendo.  I want to hold hands with Nintendo and run through a field of flowers on a sunny Spring day.  Unfortunately, they have thoroughly dashed my hopes that they will put on a good showing at E3.  Let's face it, their strategy is to put out an awesome, groundbreaking first party game and expect it to hold their fanbase over for most of a fiscal year.  That'd be one thing if they got amazing third party support, but they don't, so it sucks.  I still love their games, if not their console, and would love nothing more than for them to unleash a torrent of first-party awesomeness at E3.  I just see no reason to expect it will happen.


As for last year's E3, the huge part of the blame for their failure is Nintendo's, not Cammie or Reggie's.  That said, though, if you are trying to show off games and how much more fun your innovative controller is while playing them, maybe you should get someone who can play games and knows how to use the controller to do the demo.  Cammie's attempt at playing Shaun White was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen.  Someone who knew nothing about the Wii and just watched that demo would think, "Man, that controller fucking sucks, she can't even turn!"