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Torillian said:
I'm using logic to talk about the innovation of Halo 3 an an individual title instead of using the innovation of Halo 1, but if you want to ignore such an argument I can certainly see why you would.

Halo 3 did change some things up, and has innovated to a point, but it can't fall back on the innovations of previous members of the series.

What huge innovations have MGS4, Killzone 2, Unchartered, etc brought to the table this generation?  Why do they deserve such high praise when they merely evolved ideas from earlier titles.  Thats the main point, Halo 3 was a perfect refinement of the gameplay of the earlier games while adding some small innovations to bring the package as a whole together.  Why do people insist that every great game must have new radical ideas, sure it's nice to see such games but for every new game with a great feature there are a bunch of turkeys with a silly gimmick that doesn't work (Army Of Two anyone?).

Halo 3 didn't need to bring too much innovation to the table, it just needed polishing, although a better SP campaign could have been put together if I'm honest.