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Lack on NiGHTS controller is disturbing. That may be the best controller ever made. It murders the Dreamcast/XBOX/360 (I consider them the same controller) controller and belongs on every gamers top ten controller list, if you ask me.

Also, I have always noticed the Nintendo 64 controller being so polarized by the community between love/hate. My input on that is this:

"The Nintendo 64 controller gave birth to FPS games getting legit run on consoles. Before it, the genre was considered to be a joke at best and the bulk of that was because there was no controller that could do the genre justice. With the Z-trigger and design of the Nintendo 64 controller, gamers were given a controller that was essentially a, 'poor man's' mouse and keyboard. When Turok came out, I remember people being blown away at how accessible the game was to play thanks in no small part to the controller and its design. For this reason, the controller belongs in my top ten. Any controller that gives a full genre of games legit run while NOT taking anything away from the genres that came before it shows a serious bout of versatility and evolution. No controller before it was as versatile and while it may be evolved over in many gamers minds, the controller deserves its place for what it has contributed to modern gaming."

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