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Your absolutely delusional if you think Killzone 2 even remotley replicates a real battlefield.


If you would like I could make a large list of innovations both for the entire Halo franchise as well as specifically for Halo 3.


If you honestly could not tell the difference between the multiplayer for Halo 1,2 and 3 your either blind or you never played the games. Judging by your posts your knowledge of fps shooters is not very deep. Although Stage has also made a few mistakes in his arguments.

Finaly the fact that a obvious troll was allowed to post a flamebait topic and the thread has not been locked yet, besides mods obviously having seen the thread is questionable. I seriously think vg mods need to be more stringent with known trolls on this website.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers