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Meh, I doubt we'll see many DS games. They'll have Spirit Tracks, and maybe a new DSiWare game or two, something that spotlights the system's new features, but other than that... look at the effort they've put into supporting DS recently... right, not so much. I've actually always been puzzled as to why Nintendo largely ignores one of their most profitable, successful and lucrative systems ever. A lot of the games of their 1st party franchises on the handheld are not even 1st party efforts, but rather 2nd or even 3rd party...
DS could be so much more, so much better, if only they put the effort into it. On that front, they could take a few hints from 3rd party developers.

I'll be very surprised if Nintendo show any truly 'big' games for DS. Yes they'll have Pokémon, but those are 2nd party efforts as well.

As for Wii. Well, they'd better have some 'core' games! :p I'm sure they'll show Sin & Punishment 2 (meh) and Endless Ocean 2 (yay!), and possibly even Punch-Out!!, although that game will already be out by then. Pikmin 3 seems like a strong possibility too, though I also wouldn't be surprised if that didn't show up.
Seems like they could have a new Zelda, to release next year, seeing how they'll have Spirit Tracks this year. I mean, TP was released in 2006, 4 years should be enough time. :p

Also, I DO hope they'll have something big for Q4. I mean, right now, for Wii, they've got nada. Nothing at all. So... they'll probably have something to show. Something big, that'll release in time for christmas. Well, I hope, at least.

So, yeah. But I'm not gonna get too excited. Better to keep your expectations low and your hype-levels in check.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046