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3. Microsoft Xbox 

Location: European launch.

Date: March 13 2002


If there is any lesson to be learnt from Nintendo, it’s that if you plan on dropping the price of your latest console early, it’s best to do it before launch rather than after. Clearly Microsoft weren’t clear on this concept. 

The system launched in Europe on March 14 2002 at a heaving price of £299. Whilst initial sales weren’t exactly perfect, Microsoft took the plunge and knocked a third of the price off less than six weeks after its launch. 

Now at a slightly more affordable price of £199, early adopters were left frustrated; looks like the early bird got the worm but not the best price. Microsoft realised they’d done wrong to their buyers and so after much a ruckus caused by angry shoppers; they decided to ‘thank’ those who had already paid £299 for their Xbox.

Did Halo: Combat Evolved save the Xbox from a bad start? 

Dubbed the ‘thank you package’, Microsoft offered two Xbox games and an Xbox Controller for free to those poor souls who took the plunge too early. 

The price drop improved sales but by the end of the year, a bundle which packaged four of the consoles best sellers including Halo and Jet Set Radio Future was released for £199. In 2003, the console took another price cut plummeting down to £130.



Maybe Not in EU...But really do i have to bring Halo sales?...

And the DreamCast was bad..Dear ole DC

And Where is the Sega Saturn in the US?

And your DSi claims have a bit of Fail in them