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I do agree that any attempt to assign any profits or losses in EDD to solely the 360 are wrong.  There is too much in this division to know what is making money or not.

But this analysis has one big flaw.  The percentage increase/decrease are rounded to whole numbers.  At such small numbers (1%, 2%, etc) this can lead to a big difference in real numbers.

Gaming related revenue decreased $51 Million, or 1%. If $50million is one percent then 100 percent is 5Billion. This gives us gaming revenue.

Gaming revenue decreased somewhere between .51% to 1.49%, so betwwen $3.442B to $10B.

Cost of revenue decreased 2% or $60million which gives ua a total cost of revenue for the EDD of $3 billion.

Cost of revenue decreased between 1.51 % to 2.49%.  Which gives a total cost of revenue of $2.4B to $3.973B