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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Carl2291 said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Lots of people seem to hate the game and say it was a downgrade from San Andreas, but personally, I think it was far, far superior to San Andreas.




It was the best game of the series. Shooting was actually not broken for once, less side mission bullcrap, meaning it's more streamlined, and has a purpose. Better story, better characters, better script, better gameplay, more realistic gameplay, better graphics.

That said, I hated GTA before IV came out. I think they removed all the stuff that sucked from the series, and made it a better, more linear game, that everyone could enjoy, not just those looking for a huge boring sandbox.

That's my opinion, reviewers and most gamers agree.


 I just think ur post contain the answer

a lot of gamers (the ones that loved san andreas so much) just wanted a huge sandbox game to kill/drive/destroy everything

they dont care about story or realistic stuff

they care about explosion/shooting etc ...

they just wanted a sandbox game to play with

(I never played a GTA game but that is my 2 cents)

from NintendoMan's post :

I also hated GTAIV because it was just one city, that wasn't well designed. At least GTAIII/VC had good design, and San Andreas actually felt like a proper state. That 'dead space' was quite cool. Great for a jetpack (no buildings out in the desert) and a 5* wanted level and mayhem. GTAIV was like a big shit wrapped in more shit.

Time to Work !