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JUG said:

I've been reading the recent revelations on vgchartz top 100 countdown with interest, and I noticed that lots of people seem to have said something along the lines of "at least game x wasn't beaten by GTA 4!".

It's fair to say that GTA 4 got stellar critical reviews when it came out, and I thought it was a fantastic game. But it was the first GTA I've ever played, so I was wondering if I was missing something here. Did most gamers actually think GTA 4 was massively overrated?


From a gameplay and graphics perspective, it was very fun.  Just like every other GTA but with better graphics and far better physics.  What nearly killed it for me was the story.  All of the GTA games have been pretty funny, and GTAIV had some funny moments (all involving Brucie), but overall their attempt at writing a serious story with a tortured protagonist came off as hideously amateurish.  Every time I see a review call the story and writing groundbreaking or even very good, I throw up in my own mouth a little bit.  No GTA game has ever had good writing, but at least the previous entries were tongue in cheek enough to make it work.

I just found Nico execrable as a character.  He was written like shit, he was an annoying whiny bitch, and the voice acting was comically bad.  He sounded like the Count from Sesame Street.  Every time I was killing guys, all I could ever think was, "One headshot..  two headshots..  three headshots...  HA! HA! HA!"

Luckily TLAD somewhat made up for it.


Edit:  I agree with whoever it was earlier that posted about the phone.  FUCK YOU ROMAN.  Roman and Otis from Dead Rising could form a Super Villain club and take down the world with phone spam.